Since its foundation, the Australasian College of Cosmetic Surgery and Medicine (theCollege) has promoted and maintained an inclusive approach, welcoming surgeonsfrom a variety of speciality backgrounds. This has included not only Plastic Surgeonsbut also Opthalmologists, ENT, Facio-Maxillary surgeons and Gynaecologists.
Preference is given to candidates who have attained Fellowship of one of the RoyalColleges of Surgeons or an equivalent post-graduate surgical qualification (asdetermined by the College). Whilst special consideration of other experience mayalso apply in some circumstances and program requirements may be modified forcandidates who can demonstrate appropriate and relevant training, qualifications andexperience in cosmetic surgery (also as determined by the College), no Fellowship canbe awarded without successful completion of the formal examination process. All candidates must have at least five years post-graduate experience including threeyears of accredited surgical training in posts approved by the College and be a fullyregistered practising medical practitioner. If you fulfil these criteria and think youmay be suitable to undergo advanced cosmetic surgical training, the College encourages and welcomes your application for consideration.
The ACCSM registrar training program provides two years of advanced training incosmetic surgery. It has a number of consistent parts:
(i) 24 months – Australian rotation
(ii) The production of a clinical research paper or review article for publication
(iii) College academic syllabus
(iv) College Fellowship examinations: written and oral components
(v) Surgical log book
(vi) Registrar evaluation reports
The Australian component comprises rotations based in NSW, VIC and QLD.
Rotations consists of a minimum of 3 months duration and involves attachment to atleast four cosmetic surgeons who are responsible for the registrar's clinical training.
Registrars are required to complete a minimum of:
(i) 25 hours clinical attendance each week (eg. operating sessions, pre-op and post-op clinics) which are registered in their clinical log book (minimum 1100 hours peryear).
(ii) 10 hours of academic time (the time estimated to complete the academicsyllabus).
(iii) Attendance at a minimum of 6 major procedures per week (minimum of 250 peryear) recorded in their surgical log book.
Registrars are also responsible for running the Journal Club which is part of theCollege CME program.
Written and Viva Voce as determined by the College from time to time.All references to "College" indicate the Australasian College of Cosmetic Surgery andMedicine.
Two Year Surgical Registrar Training - $49,500 including GST.